Now, like I've said before I really love any kind of learning. I find lots of things interesting; if I'm watching TV you can pretty much count on the Travel channel, the History channel, or the Discovery channel playing. No joke, ask my brother or my Dad. They make fun of me because every time they come in the room I'm either watching a documentary about dog fights in WWII, a show about the photographing the giant squid (I highly recommend it if you haven't already seen it), or something about a traveler going to visit some obscure tribe in some obscure mountain range. And since I can't hear really well, it's always on really loud, so my Dad jokes that sometimes he thinks fighter jets are dropping bombs on our house.
And I mean, part of this is probably typical of someone my age, as a senior in college...I'm just sick of having to PROVE what I've learned through papers or tests. As a student of theatre, I don't want to have to prove anything. I want to show what I can do. And I want to show what I can do through the stage.
Anyway. That rant is over.
Time to talk about what I really came here to talk about, The Holiday (the movie) with Kate Winslet, Jack Black, Jude Law, and Cameron Diaz. I'd talk about the premise of the movie, but it's really not the point.
The point is at the end of the movie Jack Black gets Kate Winslet. Let me repeat that. Jack Black:

gets Kate Winslet:

You do not understand how much hope this gives me.
Ok, so I know it's a just a movie, and maybe it could and would never happen in real life. But go with me here on this...
Jack Black is not all that sexy. I mean, maybe he is to some but classically speaking Jack Black is not the typical leading man who would get a babe like Kate Winslet.
Jack Black is short, (probably shorter than Kate Winslet) he's not built, he's dorky, he's not afraid to be totally goofy. Jack Black is not all that debonair or suave. But he gets Kate Winslet. And he doesn't use sexy powers to get her! He uses GOOFY powers!! AHHH!! THIS IS AMAZING!
You see what I'm getting at?
If Jack Black can do it, so can I!! Not to say that I'll get Kate Winslet. Last time I checked she was straight and married.
I could potentially get a babe like Kate Winslet.
I'm short. I'm awkward. I'm goofy. I'm not built. When I wear my backpack for school I look like a turtle because it's so large and I'm so small. I'm not a typically "sexy" person (Not holding my breath for Victoria's Secret to call and ask me to model) I could tell you all about how Asian Scientists photographed the giant squid in the ocean (it was a really big deal, because, at that point no one had even seen a giant squid alive.) I'll impersonate Gilda Rander for you to make you laugh. Sometimes, I can't string together sentences properly. I trip a lot. I'm not graceful. And most of the time I'm wearing a dorky, lopsided grin. (If you told me to put on a sexy-face, you would probably just end up laughing)
But watch this:
Jack Black uses his powers of goofy and Kate Winslet is TOTALLY into him.
It's acting.
I know.
It's a movie.
I know.
But let me hold onto this hope.
Oh man. And all this time I've been frustrated by my terribly goofy and random demeanor around women, been beating myself over the fact I can't breeze into a social situation and pull off a conversation without making horrible jokes or falling over my words. But now I see that all I have to do is find the right person who thinks the female version of Jack Black is hot. if anyone knows any lesbians who are single and have said, "Damn. You know what I wish? I really wish I could find a girlfriend who was like the female version of Jack Black." Let me know...STAT.
1 comment:
amy - i am rooting for you every day to get your mega babe who likes the goofy. she's out there!
tons of goofy people get babes, so keep looking!!
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