...I love that I look cross-eyed in my picture.
I'm hotter though, right?
Right guys?
I mean...if we look so much alike what's Harry Potter got that I don't?? Huh?
Oh magical powers...
Oh a girlfriend...
Oh a flying broom and a pet owl...
...um, but I'm still hotter right? I mean I might not be able to kick the dark lord's ass but I can...uh...I can...I can...blog...Yeah that's right!! I can BLOG!! Eat that Harry freakin' Potter!! I bet you don't have a semi-awesome blog that 10s of people read! BAM!
I mean, shit, the dude isn't bad looking. I suppose I should be happy to be paid such a nice compliment that people think I look like Harry Potter and not, say, Harvey Keitel...

...although Harvey Keitel is kind of badass. I'm not badass though. Maybe Harry Potter is a good description for me because that's about as badass as I get. I'll sneak around Hogwarts after hours to gather clues to vanquish Voldemort, but you won't catch me playing dirty quidditch (sp?).
Ok, so it's not so much the "you look like Harry Potter" comment I mind. It's the sort of "you're so CUTE!!" attitude that goes along with it. Not that there's anything wrong with cute, it's just...well...I mean...I don't know. It's just that I wish I had the more suave aura of Justin Timberlake than Harry Potter. But who knows? Maybe Justin Timberlake is a giant douchebag. And I wouldn't want to be a giant douchebag.
I guess I'll just have to face the fact that I'm so CUTE!!!
I'll start working on my British accent now so when auditions for Harry Potter: The Stage Musical Musicale roll around I'll be primed and prepared.
...Oh P.S. David and I called that number that random guy on the street gave me and it totally WAS for the CTA. He wasn't crazy! Well, he still mighta been crazy, but at least I can be fairly confident he wasn't talking to himself for 10 minutes on the phone.
so, i wanted to be able to deny that you and harry potter look alike...but those pictures don't lie! you have such similar face shapes/jaw bones...it's crazy! but if it makes you feel better, harry potter would be a really ugly girl...and you're a pretty hot girl. :)
Your eyes are different colors - TOTALLY different. I mean, if you have blue eyes or he had brown eyes, then yeah, but no way- not with different eye colors.
(Does that sound convincing?)
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