So here is a post of the many faces of Amy.
David took some headshots for me a while back. He took some really great pictures and some rather hilarious ones. The hilarious pictures were a result of:
a) My lack of ability to pose properly.
b) The fact that is was 12 degrees outside that day. Seriously.
c) I mean, even dynamos like me can't be cute ALL the time. (Aka: I'm awkward)
I've had a couple comments on the new picture posted up on my side bar. YES that is a picture from the headshot session. Sadly, it is a little too blurry to be my actual headshot, but is perfect for lookin' fine on my blog sidebar. I will post my for real headshot at the end of the post. But first...cue the gag reel:
This is my sexy face. Yes. Yes. I know it doesn't work, hence why it's in the gag reel. Rest assured I'm working on my sexy face and y'all will be the first to know if it ever works. But until that time I wouldn't hold your breath or constantly refresh my blog in your browser.
Dear David, That bird is about to poop on you. I find this amusing. Love, Amy
Picture Title: "Dang, it's cold. The color has done drained from my smoochers."
I am bad at looking serious.
Dear David, The bird is back. I'm trying not to give him away but I am bad at surprises. Love, Amy
The "I farted" face.
The "you farted" face.
Amy "Eyebrows McGee" Cornelius. This picture says, "If I get cast, the 'brows will need their own bios in the program."
Now here is my REAL headshot:

Look, ma! I look like a real live actor (and maybe the gayest (but still cute) one that ever lived (seriously, I just need to send this to Ellen with a post-it note, "Let me be your Sidekick")).
A huge thank you to David, for sticking it out with me in the cold to take these headshots and then printing them out for me so I was ready to walk into my audition with grace, poise, and confidence.
My other favorite (other than your chosen headshot) is the "I farted" face. It's really cute!
love the last one (and yes, you SHOULD send it to many times have i told you you need to get on that show) and i also think you look like a child of the holocaust in that cold picture. i wanna see the real ones!!!
"If I get cast, the 'brows will need their own bios in the program."
I'm still laughing.
i also really enjoy the "i farted" face.
i wish everyone looked that cute after farting....
So I'm a little slow on the uptake (I've been busy too), but I definitely think you should send this to Ellen too! What have you got to lose?!
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