Addleheading For Life

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Muppets: They Will Cure What Ails Ye

So...Ariana showed me this video the other day and we both watched it over and over and over and cracked up. A lot:

"OH YEEAAAHHHHH....sorry 'bout that." Cracks. Me. UP.

And then I found this:

And then I realized...
I am this crazy orange haired fuzzy green guy.
Like...especially when he runs to the background and is just like, "ba da da da da da da Da bee dee rup bud dah dah"

And then I realized...
Those little pink guys? Probably David. Like the subtext of what they're saying when crazy orange haired fuzzy green guy riffs is, "Ma-goo!"
Or Sara. Those little pink guys could be Sara too. In fact the look the pink guys give the crazy orange haired fuzzy green guy I've seen on Sara's face. More than once.

...and now I'm currently watching/guilty-pleasure addicted to "First Comes Love" on Logo (Big Gay Channel) about couples (gay ones) who want to get married. Most of the time the couples go to Canada...since, you's legal there. But still its super cute. And it's hosted by Elvira Kurt who is hilarious.



Anonymous said...

i tried to make dommy watch the ma na ma na one recently. mike and i were watching all the oldies - but dom was not interested. kids nowadays have no taste :)

dont forget about the ladybug picninc - and the chick taking her llama to the dentist!

Anonymous said...

i guess i could be one of those pink things...except i wanted to strangle them all for singing that so many times in a row. the skit could have been about a minute shorter and just as funny, but for some reason i watched all 2 minutes and 44 seconds. :) maybe one could be david and one could be me...we could just be your judgmental duo! :)

David A said...

I don't judge!! Okay, I do.

Carly said...

I enjoy that the Benny Hill one was "filmed in front of a live studio audience."