And I mean ALWAYS.
Always on the first day of school, when I am feeling pretty good about myself and excited to be in school and especially so this year seeing as how I'm graduating in a little over three months...
Someone says something about my size.
Yesterday, while picking up my U-Pass. I hand the lady my ID and she looks at me and goes, "Well, gosh look how tiny you are!" And then she giggled at me, like I was the funniest/most ridiculous thing she'd seen all day.
Did I miss something?
Was there a sign outside the front gates of college that said "You Must Be This Tall" to enter?
I have a sense of humor, ok? I get the joke. I will be the first to admit I look like Harry Potter meets Frodo Baggins meets a Munchkin from Munchkinland.
I will happily joke about my size and take teasing from friends and family.
But I absolutely do not understand the need perfect strangers have to comment upon my size.
I don't walk around saying things like, "Hey Tall-y McGee! What's the weather like up there?"
Or, "Wow, you're enormous!"
Or, "Holy crap! Did you know you're black?!"
Why do people need to tell me I'm small?
Like I don't know! Like I'll suddenly look down and say, "By golly, you're right! I AM awful close to the ground from here."
I guess what makes me a little miffed about the whole thing is that when people comment upon my size it's usual with some sort of "I don't take you so seriously" tone. And not that I'm going to demand to be taken seriously by the lady dolling out U-Passes...but...
I's part of my charm, right? Right? My charm that I'm little?
I mean, it's pretty hilarious. It's like a big cosmic joke or something because it NEVER FAILS. Sometimes I wonder if these people are being PAID to say these things to me.
Because seriously...I was walking/feeling 10 feet tall yesterday, thinking about my graduation. Thinking about how much that means to me. Thinking about how I almost didn't make it. Thinking everything that happened. And here I was...on the first day of my last semester all set and poised to graduate.
"Well, gosh look how tiny you are!"
Clearly you are blind and dumb because I am mother freakin' taller than god damn Yao Ming right now.
ME (about to stuff your ass (duh)):

people are idiots - everywhere i go nowadays, people feel the need to rub my belly and say "oh you are having a baby!"
i always want to say, um no it's a beer belly thank you. or oh that's why i'm getting so big. thanks for clearing that up
dont let them get you down - and remember, dominic is much much smaller than you and will be for a few more years :)
we missed you at the party - no getting out of the next one!! :)
1) that's the most HILARIOUS picture i've ever seen. it should be your profile picture. :)
2) the terrible thing is, you know she (or anyone else) would ever say something like that to an actual little person. i agree it's unfair and silly. i feel the same way when people ask me if i'm graduating high school this year...
don't worry, i had a boos you said to me "you're tall" almost everyday.
boss not boos
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