...I need a haircut like whoa.
LITTLE GIRL IN LOBBY: Daddy! Let's play tag! (Begins to run around)
Later...out of nowhere...
AUDRA: (Laughing) Daddy! Let's play tag!!
AUDRA: Don't touch your mucus membranes!!!
AMY: Oh! So I have a funny story!
(Audra is in the middle of eating a fish stick)
AUDRA: Hold on, let me finish this.
AMY: Oh, well it's a long story so I can just wait till you're done eating.
AUDRA: Oh, no that's ok...just go ahead.
AMY: Ok. So, I'm in this screenwriting class. And we have to write screenplays.
(At which point Audra starts busting up laughing with a fishstick in her mouth. I start busting up laughing too)
...Chicken and Maximus together in the box office is truly a special thing.
And you all should watch this because it's kind of fabulous:
I think it's quite possible that Portuguese is the most beautiful language in world. I mean...it helps when it's sung like that. But seriously...it's like all best parts of French plus all the best parts of Spanish and Italian...soooooo gorgeous.
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