So I've had some people come up to me and tell me that based on my last few posts they think I have self-esteem issues.
I don't.
Seriously, guys.
I watch Dr. Phil.
I know how to love myself!
As Dr. Phil says: The quickest way from A to B is not always at the most feverish pace.
Right on Dr. P. Right on.
That man is so smart.
I know I'm a pretty awesome person.
I'm funnier than God (and better looking), smarter than Stephen Hawking (ask me about quantum physics), charming, debonair, athletic, I can bust out smooth moves on the dance floor, serenade beautiful love tunes via the guitar and my voice that floats on air...
I am probably the most awesome person that ever walked the face of the earth. AND I'm going to have a degree in Theatre Arts.
What girl WOULDN'T want me?
And don't you forget it.
You should all probably look in the mirror and realize you will never be as awesome as me.
But you can dream if you want to. I don't have anything against dreamers. The thing about dreamers don't usually get anything done.
Oh man. I can't even stand myself in this blog post.
...So that description of me was totally false. In case you were wondering. I'm not funnier than God and s/he is WAY better looking than I am. I don't even know what quantum physics IS really. I'm not athletic, I definitely can't dance. I have rhythmic dyslexia (the P.C. term for bein' a white girl) which also means I can't carry a tune to save my life. However I will have a degree in Theatre Arts in a year. That part is true (get in line ladies, I'm going to be richer than God).
Seriously though.
I know I'm a pretty cool person. For real...I know I'm funny, charming, sweet, and dare I say...good looking.
I'm a catch and I know it.
Why my lasts posts say the things they do, why it comes across like I don't have good self esteem is because sometimes I have a hard time letting people see me.
Especially around cute girls.
I get all awkward and dorky and I just want to say, "No!! This is not who I am! I'm funny and charming and sweet and dare I say good looking!!! Look! Look how funny and charming and sweet and dare I say good looking I am!!"
But I end up looking kinda dorky.
But I'm ok with it.
Someone truly special will be able to look past that dorkiness and take the time and patience to see the funny, charming, sweet, and dare I say...good looking.
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