-Gas Station Breakfasts. A can of Diet Coke and a bag of Reese's Pieces does the body good early in the morning. And yes. I did get and eat this Saturday morning, I am not ashamed. I prided myself on the fact that I passed up the bottle of Diet Coke and opted for the can instead.
- Annoy younger, 18-year old brothers. You do this by annoyingly asking, "Want to play the questions game?" And then you ask annoying questions like, "If you could be any color what would you be and why?" or "What do you think about when you're alone?" Usually it's met by responses such as "I would be the color, Go Screw Yourself."
-Annoy younger, 18-year old brothers some more. You do this by saying, "Let's tell a story! But we can only say one sentence at a time. I'll start. Once upon a time there was a princess...Ok. Your turn. Say a sentence." Usually met by dull stare.
-Speculate with neighbors A LOT. It's really fun to make crap up, too. Such as, "I heard there was this little old lady walking her cat when the storm hit. The storm picked her up and threw her four blocks. She broke both her hips. And her cat? The found it, alive, stuck in a tree in INDIANA!" Mostly you just speculate about when the power is going to come back. Like, "I heard by tonight." "I heard by tomorrow morning." "I heard it could take weeks!!" Proper etiquette for speculating with neighbors: Congregate in front of someone's house, stand in a circle. Swap stories, trying to one-up each other on the craziness of each story. Shake your head a lot. Say, "Wow, that's crazy." A lot. Say, "Unbelievable" a lot too.
-Play games like, "Find You Way Around the Closed Roads." And, "Don't Get Stuck in the Flood Waters!" And, "Hey, Dodge that Falling and/or Flying Branch!"
Ok. I really missed the Internet so much, guys. Two and a half days without it...two days with no access to my blog. I'm not gonna lie...it was rough.
I mostly missed the Internet for crap like this:
I'm so glad you're back Internet. So glad. It's been too long icanhascheezburger.com too long.
Hahaha...I think this picture accurately depicts how I felt when I was younger and was made to wear dresses too. I feel your pain little kitty. I feel your pain.
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