I've always thought that this affection I had for boy bands came from the mindset of society. I.E. all girls are in love with boy bands, therefore, I, Amy, should put their posters on my wall if I want to be normal.
In actuality, Jewel was the musician who actually spoke to me in my pre-teen years. I listened to her album constantly and liked to sing along. One of my favorites was, "Do You":
"Hey, you say you like the way the cowboys tip their hats and say,
"How's it goin' ma'am?"
But you're never quite clear if their glares are sincere
Or really only just second hand
To you it's all roses, its a lavender haze
The man is a marvel, but it's a shame about his brains
But that's OK-
They say "he's got straight teeth and it's good sex"."
I didn't really get it. But it seemed deep and meaningful at the time.
I must admit however, that I did listen to a fair amount of boy band music too. Unlike listening to Jewel, when I listened to boy bands it would be in front of the mirror and I would try to sing and more importantly dance along. More importantly than that I would practice my smirk and cute facial expressions.
The suggestion was made last night when I admitted to my boy band phase, that in fact, maybe it had nothing to do with liking boy bands but that I wanted to be IN a boy band.
Thinking back…that’s probably true.
Now I’ve said before and I’ll say it again…I know I’m not Miss. America. I know I’ll never be on the cover of Maxim Magazine.
I’m fairly confident that I could get onto the cover of Tiger Beat and drive all the pre-teen girls CRAZY.

That face begs to be in a boy band.
who took these pictures of you? and how much weight have you lost since christmas?! i can hardly see you!
I took this picture!! Amy's Hott!!
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