Addleheading For Life

Friday, March 09, 2007

My Dog Is No Rock Star

So I realize my last post may have seemed a bit harsh. Harsh to Mr. Dooley's dog I mean. And since the last thing I want to do is give his dog a negative body image (in case Mr. Dooley's dog reads my blog), I should probably talk about how my dog is no rock star either. Don't get me wrong, though (I'm talking to you Mr. Dooley's dog), I still thing you're a fat sausage of a dog.

My Dog is No Rock Star.
She's a toy poodle and rather ungroomed.
We don't like her to be done up like a poodle.
If there were such things as dog-street-urchins.
She would be a dog-street-urchin.
She broke both her legs as a puppy.
So now she's got a plate in one of them.
And when she sits or stands still
You can see she's a bit pigeon-toed.
She's highly sensitive.
She always has to be in someone's lap.
She cries if she's not in someone's lap.
She's got a dark coat, fluffy lamb-like coat
So she doesn't photograph well.
Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between her ass and her face.
She could be mistaken for a dust-bunny.
My Dog is No Rock Star.
Mostly because she can't sing,
"Walk this Way."

This is my dog:

This is not my dog:

1 comment:

Anne said...

LOL! You and your dog are too cute!