Addleheading For Life

Friday, December 01, 2006

Snow And Christmas Carol

So...Winter has announced it's arrival in Chicago by dumping a crapload of snow upon our fair city and much of the Midwest in general. Which, hey, I like snow. I walked to work today after being dropped off for coffee and was pretty much like a five year old jumping over snow mountains. The weird thing is though, that it was probably, mmm...I would say 65 degrees Wednesday. It was so warm Wednesday that when I walked to the train and got completely drenched in the pouring rain I was not the least bit cold. And I was soaked. Then all the sudden Thursday the temperature dropped, and this morning I wake up to maybe about a foot of snow. In regards to the fickle weather, part of me is like,
"Yeah it's Chicago winter."
And the other part of me is like,
"Yeah that's what happens when the globe gets warmed."

So if you haven't already you should probably at some point in your life rent A Christmas Carol with that dude from Fraiser as
Scrooge. It's pretty ridiculous. And by ridiculous I mean horribly bad. Here are the top five reasons you should rent this movie and make fun of it:
1) It is a musical version.
2) Terrible lip-syncing.
3) Jennifer Love Hewitt is in it. Enough said there. (Also, the singing voice provided for her is CLEARLY not her own)
5) Weird dance numbers, one of which includes grave-diggers with shovels.
Oh and one more...
6) Big name actors doing a shit job of acting.
Oh and one more...
7) You realize that sometimes muppets are more entertaining and talented than actual actors.

Oh yeah, so Thanksgiving. Mine was pretty good. I think Thanksgiving would be a really great holiday if we were all bears. 'Cause then we could just eat and go sleep for the rest of winter. It could be the kick off to hibernation. Then people could have conversations like this:
BILL: So Jane, what did you have for Hibernation this year?
JANE: Oh, I'm watching my figure, you can be hard to shed those Hibernation pounds come I just ate a turkey.
BILL: Only one?
JANE: Yeah, last year I ate two and they just went straight to my ass and I couldn't get rid of them until, like, August. What did you eat for Hibernation this year?
BILL: Three pounds of mashed potatoes, a pumpkin pie, and two tofu turkeys.
JANE: Tofu turkey?
BILL: Yeah, I went vegetarian. It's so much better for your health. And society. Just think...if everyone went vegetarian the President wouldn't have to waste time pardoning a turkey. And he would never pardon a soy bean.
JANE: I'll have to take that into consideration for Hibernation next year.

What else do I have to say? I think that's it for now.

* * * * *
Today we have multiple quotes of the day!! Get excited!

This first quote is from my friend Meghan. She is a student and quite bogged down in the paper-writing and work as it is the end of the semester. Here is what she had to say about paper writing...
MEGHAN: "Jesus Christ if I have to write another word I'll throw my goddamn shoes out the window."

Also, today, one of my co-workers, Audra, said something really funny to me about my love of chocolate...
ME: "I love chocolate."
AUDRA: "I know you love chocolate. Let's be honest you would glurk it up your nose if you could."


Anne said...

Oooh, you wrote so much! Mere comments don't seem to do it justice. I stand in awe of department stores with pianos, food and a water fountain... but trying to find anything there (and the prices) rack my nerves. I hate the movie A Christmas Carol no matter how they try to dress it up. LOL at your quotes. :D

skinnylittleblonde said...

Jennifer Love Hewitt gets on my nerves too and although I am not all 'bah-humbug,' I despise Macy's and everything they represent. I think it has been close to 20 years since I have patronized them & I am glad that in that time they have at least taken over Marshall Fields up there & made a shopping oasis out of it.
LOL @ snorting chocolate...I'd be right there with you girl!

Anne said...

I love pianos. Makes me want to learn how to play so I can go try them all out and annoy the sales people.