So I am done with school for the semester.
When I begin next semester, I will officially be a senior.
Scary, right? Two more semesters until I graduate.
Hahaha. Two more semesters until I enter the "real" world. Scary, and yet...I've dealt with scarier things (see below conversation I had in the box office today for an illustration of this point).
I went to speak with the Dean's Office the other day about possibly over loading classes next semester and they handed me a packet about the steps I need to take to apply for graduation.
Holy crap.
It seems a little unbelievable to me. I think when they finally hand me my degree, my legs will give out. Either that or I'll start bawling and embrace the poor soul who gives me my degree in a giant bear hug.
A stupid piece of damn paper. That means so much to me.
This semester was ok as far as academics go. I certainly did not perform at the level I usually do. There was an incredible lack of motivation on my part for getting through my gen eds, namely my philosophy and science course. I'm pretty sure my philosophy professor wins the award for "Worst Teacher I've Ever Had in My Life" (yeah, he even beats out Mrs. What-The-Heck-Beck my old second grade teacher who absolutely petrified me). He just has no idea how to teach. I'm sorry dude, clearly you're smart, clearly you know your shit, but standing in front of a class for two and a half hours and summing up the reading does NOT constitute teaching. Yes, I needed to take your class for a gen ed but I also took it because it was called "Social and Political Philosophy" and that sounded interesting to me. 'Cause, hey...I like politics and hey...I like society and hey...I like philosophy too. What I got was the most boring, uninteresting class I think I've ever taken. And that's saying something. Because at least with my science class I can say, "Well, the professor was really nice and genuinely cared about the students and wanted to impart his love and appreciation for science onto us. And he did his very best to make class interesting." Plus, the dude is working on his PhD doing cancer research, I gotta have respect for that. I also had a history gen ed with a pretty cool professor and that class was at least interesting. There was nothing redeemable about this philosophy class. Not only did the prof suck at teaching but he also was totally unapproachable and came off and condescending and mean. Jerk.
However, I did do very well in the classes that matter the most to me. My theatre classes, and really at this point it means the most to me to do well in those classes and to put in my effort there and get the most out of those classes. My acting professor told me my work was a "joy." haHA take that stupid philosophy professor. I AM smart. I just don't want to be smart for you. I know damn well what Locke says. I read the 200 pages you assigned. I don't need you to stand up in front of the class and tell me about what I read. What I would like to know is why it matters and how it's relevant and what the hell the philosophy of Locke has to do with Social and Political stuff. 'Cause I mean...I've taken a U.S. History course so I have some idea about what Locke has to do with social and political stuff, but I didn't get that from your class. I have a good idea about the things Locke says, 'cause I read his stuff but I didn't take this class just to read a bunch of philosophers' philosophies.
Rant on that over.
Ha. I'm actually worried I might get a C in that class. *GASP* Amy, get a C? I know. It makes me feel a little bad.
I got an A+ on my text analysis for my Shakespearean acting class.
That's all that matters to me.
So the other day I did that thing I do where I take my coins to a coinstar and get them changed into itunes money. I find this works well because:
a)If you change your change (haha) into gift certificates they don't charge you for the counting and
b)I can then buy music on itunes with little guilt because it's like I'm not spending "real" money.
I got my changed changed and went on itunes and bought a whole bunch of music.
And I've gotta say...Barenaked Ladies version of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"?...Slightly awesome. And by slightly awesome I of course mean awesomely awesome.
I also noticed how hard it is to find good versions of holiday songs. It took me like 20 minutes to find a decent version of "Baby It's Cold Outside". That song is really hard too because it's a duet. So, maybe I like the way the girl sings but then the man comes on and is like, "here, I'm going to get your drunk so I can do you" and I'm, you should shutup and not sing because you suck. I really like that song, but it's sort of a little wrong. When the woman asks, "Say, what's in this drink?" I want to say, "I think your boyfriend slipped you a rufie. You should leave. Now. Because he's either going to sleep with you against your will or steal your internal organs. It can only end badly. Run! Run! I don't care if it's cold outside. No, don't listen to him when he says he likes your hair! RUN! RUN!"
AMY: Hi cheese, I'm going to eat you.
DAVID: Hi cheese, I'm going to turn you into poo.
(At which point I threw the cheese stick I was about to eat in the air and cracked up laughing)
(At the box office. Guy is at the window. At the window. AT THE WINDOW. P.S. This really happened)
AMY: I have seats here in the left section of the house in Row E (I point to the seats on the seating chart) or here in the left section of the house in Row B (I point).
MAN: Nothing in the center section?
AMY: The center section is full.
MAN: There's nothing in the center?
AMY: This show is very full, there is nothing available in the center.
MAN: Nothing?
AMY: No.
MAN: So where are these seats again?
AMY: I have these three in Row E here (I point). Or these three here in Row B (I point).
(He stares at me)
(He stares at me some more)
MAN: (Speaking slowly) And you have nothing in the center?
AMY: The center is sold and completely full.
MAN: Well do you have anything closer to the center in side sections?
AMY: No, these seats are the best available.
MAN: Nothing closer to center?
AMY: No. This show is very close to selling out. I've only got about 50 tickets left.
MAN: And nothing in the center?
AMY: No.
(He stares at me)
MAN: Where are these seats again?
AMY: I have these seats in Row B: 17, 15, and 13. Or I have these in Row E: 25, 23, and 21.
MAN: And there is nothing closer to center in the side sections?
AMY: No. This show is very full.
MAN: Well where are the other 50 seats?
AMY: In our general admission section and on the ends of the side sections. These are the best seats I have available. Our theatre is very small you're going to see from no matter where you're sitting.
MAN: And there is nothing in the center?
AMY: Completely full.
(He stares at me)
MAN: Where are these seats again?
AMY: I have these seats here in E or these here in B (I point).
MAN: Which are better?
AMY: If you like to be closer, I'd go with the ones in B. If you like to be further back I'd go with row E. It depends on how you like to see a show, it's at your discretion.
(He stares at me)
MAN: Where are they again?
AMY: Row E 25,23, and 21. Row B 17,15, and 3 (I point).
MAN: Which would you take?
AMY: Personally I like to be further back when I see a show so I would go with E.
MAN: Why?!
AMY: I find that being further back offers me a better, more complete view of the stage.
(He stares at me)
MAN: I'll take the ones in B.
(I take his payment print the tickets)
MAN: Is B ok? Will I be ok there?
AMY: Yes. (Hand him is tickets and carefully articulate our policies.)
(A few minutes go by. He comes back.)
MAN: Yeah, these tickets. You gave me 17, 15, and 13. Are those together?
AMY: (I stand up and point to the tickets on the seating chart again) Row B 17, 15, and 13. They're together, see?
Dear Moleskine 2008 Daily Pocket Planner,
You and my OCD are going to be best friends.
Dear Diploma,
Watch your back, fool. I'm coming for ya.